Gold Card Roping

The Gold Card Team Roping event was first featured in 1989, the year of the 75th anniversary of the annual Clovis Rodeo. What once was an added attraction for both spectators and participants continues to be very popular; veteran cowboys show they’ve still got the stuff of which legends are made.

Preliminary competition will be held Sunday morning. The finals will take place that afternoon during the rodeo performance.  The winning ropers receive beautiful belt buckles donated by Hall Ag and Earl Hall. There is also added money donated by Clovis Rodeo, Mike Kovak and Earl Hall in this event.

Originated by Russ Santos in 1989 with PRCA Hall of Famer Jack Roddy as the first president, qualified Gold Card ropers must be at least 50 years of age, current PRCA members, and must have been members of the PRCA for the past 10 years. These Gold Card competitors are veteran cowboys, 50 to 80 years young, who continue to compete.  The group currently has over 300 members including 17 World Champions! 

Join us as we see who takes home the Clovis Gold Card Roping champion titles this year!

Event Details

When: Sunday, April 27th, 2025

Where: Clovis Rodeo Grounds, 748 Rodeo Drive, Clovis, CA

Gold Card Winners Over the Years

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Local Rodeo Supporters • Rodeo Association Members • Earl Hall of Hall Ag • George Porter of Porter Farms • M&M Fabricators of Clovis • Sam Habib

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