Kids Art Competition

Rodeo Inspires Young Artists

A coloring contest is conducted with our partners at the Clovis Unified School District in the weeks prior to the rodeo. Aspiring artists from Kindergarten through second grade lend their skills to a coloring page created by artist Claudia Fletcher.

Fletcher, who is also the artist of the Clovis Rodeo’s annual commemorative poster, participated in her first art contest when she was eight years old. Not only is the coloring contest an opportunity for students to learn about their hometown rodeo, it is a chance for many of them to compete in their first art competition.

The finalist for each grade at participating schools is provided a voucher for two tickets to the Clovis Rodeo and their artwork is submitted to the district wide competition where one winner is chosen for each grade level. The three district wide winners receive four tickets to the rodeo. We also proudly display their artwork in front of the Clovis Rodeo Ticket office.

Congratulations to our 2023 Grade Level Winners!!


Andrea Lara – Kindergarten


Ruby Moua – First Grade


Sara Kraus – Second Grade

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