Media Credential Request

The Clovis Rodeo Association appreciates your interest in covering the Clovis Rodeo and related events. As a professional sport we must follow strict guidelines to protect the Rodeo’s and PRCA’s copyright. The Association reserves the right to grant or refuse media access. You will be contacted prior to the event with confirmation of your credential request. Credentials must be available for review by authorized personnel at all times while on the Clovis Rodeo premises. The Clovis Rodeo, and the last weekend in April are all registered trademarks of the Clovis Rodeo Association and cannot be used without proper authorization. Please contact if you need additional information.

Submitting a credential request does not insure a credential will be issued.

The deadline for submitting credential requests is Friday, April 4th, 2025.



Please submit the following information via email to by the deadline of April 4, 2025.

Include the following in your request:

  • Name and complete Contact Information including phone(s), email(s) and mailing address
  • Media Outlet
  • Publisher/Editor and their Contact Information
  • Media Category: Print, Electronic, Photographer, Internet, Blog or Podcast, etc.
  • Filing Frequency

If you are a freelance journalist, include assignment (subject) with detail for which you are requesting coverage.


All health and safety protocols will be followed as required at the date of the event.


Credentials will be awarded to media from recognized daily newspapers, wire services, national and local news networks (radio/TV). Magazine publications that regularly cover rodeo or related genres may also be considered. Freelance writers and photographers will only receive credentials if on verifiable assignment for a publication or media outlet that meets the appropriate criteria and have the ability to provide timely first-hand editorial coverage of the Clovis Rodeo event(s).

All requests must include the names and assignments of all persons expecting to cover the Clovis Rodeo as credentials will be issued only to the person(s) designated. Credentials are intended for working media representatives only and are non-transferable. Under no circumstances are credentials intended for sales staff or similar personnel of radio/television stations or newspapers/magazines. The misuse of credentials will result in the immediate forfeiture of all media privileges.

We recognize changes in assignments occur especially as it relates to local news networks. We will work with you to make sure every accommodation is made to assist you in your coverage of the rodeo. Please let the rodeo’s media director know of any changes as soon as they are available.

Media outlets are encouraged to speak with the media director in advance if they have a specific story or interview request so every effort can be made to make-it-happen. We recognize you may not be familiar with the subject of rodeo and we welcome the opportunity to assist you in finding a story or interview that you find suitable for your media outlet/publication.


If your credential request is approved, you will be notified no later than April 11, 2025. Credentials will be provided to you upon arrival at the rodeo grounds. All media will be met at the Contestant Gate upon arrival and provided their credential. Gate is located at the northwest corner of the grounds. As you enter the main rodeo parking lot off of Clovis Ave you should see the gate straight in front of you. Credentials are not distributed in advance of the event. Credentials are returned to media personnel upon exiting of the rodeo event(s).


Please plan to park in the main parking lot and prepare to enter at the “Contestant Gate.” Media staff will be called to meet you upon your arrival at the gate with a golf cart to take you into the event. You are welcome to call the media director in advance if you have limited time and we will make our best effort to be waiting for you at the gate.


The Clovis Rodeo media staff has designated areas reserved for media to provide the best possible working conditions. Media staff will assist you in obtaining interviews during the event as access to the cowboy athletes and staff is limited by nature of the professional sport, especially during the competition. Access behind the timed event and roughstock chute areas is limited and is only granted when media is escorted by a member of the Rodeo’s media team.

Only official Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association (PRCA) photographers are allowed to be in the arena dirt. Credentialed media access for other photographers is granted nearby most competition areas on a limited basis as long as you are escorted by a member of the Rodeo’s media team.


To ensure the safety, security, privacy and property interests of the Clovis Rodeo Association the use of drones is prohibited without prior written consent.


If you have any questions or need additional information, please email or contact the media consultant at 559-299-8838.

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