Rodeo Grand Marshals
2025 Grand Marshal: Louis G. Sarantos Jr.

The Clovis Rodeo Association honors, Louis G. Sarantos Jr. as Grand Marshal of the 111th Clovis Rodeo set to take place April 23-27, 2025.
Louie will be presented with the Grand Marshal’s traditional cowboy hat and belt buckle during a reception in his honor the last week of April. Watch for them leading off the Clovis Rodeo Parade that begins at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Past Rodeo Grand Marshals
1916 Charles H. Atkinson
1917 Col. C.K. Smith
1918 Col. C.K. Smith
1919 John M. Cox
1920 H.G. Johnson
1921 Orville Reyburn
1922 H.G. Johnson
1923 No parade
1924 No parade
1925 George S. Croyle
1926 George S. Croyle
1926-32 Information Not Available
1933 James O. Bittle
1934 James O. Bittle, George W. Phebus
1935 James Gleason, Sam Arrant, George W. Phebus J.P. Stone
1936 James O. Bittle
1938 James Pendergrass, Bud Sample, Arnold Shell
1939 James Pendergrass, J.P. Stone, Glenn Austin, Kenneth Davis
1940 James O. Bittle
1941 Victor McLaglen, (Hollywood actor)
1942 James Pendergrass, Carl Larson, Duane Wamsley
1943 No parade
1944 No parade
1945 Glenn E. Sheets
1946 William J. Hutchinson, Luther E. Weldon
1947 Frank Drury
1948 W.C. “Pop” Riley
1949 W.C. “Pop” Riley
1950 Frank Drury
1951 Al Green
1952 W.B. “Bert” Weldon
1953 John Allen “Happy Jack” Hawn
1954 Pop Johnson
1955 Bud Sample
1956 Ed Simpson
1957 Joe Moore
1958 C.S. Merriman
1959 Harry Ball
1960 Wes Qualls
1961 Les Smith
1962 Delbert Smith
1963 Lawrence Sassano
1964 D.F. Hallowell
1965 Jess Rodman
1966 Loris Grossi
1967 Frank Bell
1968 Lawrence Cobb
1969 Bob Simpson
1970 Earl Smittcamp
1971 Alvie Maze
1972 Fred Biglione Sr.
1973 Slim Beaver
1974 Rae Crabtree
1975 Glen Burns
1976 Ted Forbes
1977 Shorty Cunningham
1978 Gordon Harlan
1979 Clair Pollard
1980 Emil Prudek
1981 Earl Nevins
1982 Lucretia McMurtry
1983 John Weldon
1984 John I. Polson
1985 John Harvey Moore
1986 Carlos Watson
1987 Doc Joe Massey
1988 Gene Ford
1989 All Surviving Grand Marshals
1990 Beth Crabtree
1991 Martin Mouliot
1992 Emmett Rigsbee
1993 Herman “Smitty” Smith
1994 Rex Phebus
1995 Jay Robinson
1996 Jack Estill
1997 Dan W. Forbes
1998 Bill Verdugo
1999 Cliff Steward
2000 Ike Ball
2001 Mike Vuicich
2002 Fred Uriarte
2003 Betty Mouliot
2004 Les Sassano
2005 Wayne William Rohde, Sr.
2006 Wilbur Plaugher
2007 Tom Sample
2008 Stan King
2009 Bob Robinson
2010 Bill Hedrick
2011 Floyd “Doc” Buchanan
2012 Buster Ford, Denny Denton, Corky Dunbar
2013 Vern Barkman
2014 All Surviving Grand Marshals
2015 Bob Kennedy, Jim Call, Orville Hefley
2016 Harry Armstrong
2017 Jodie Simpson
2018 Earl Hall
2019 Larry Cowger
2020-2021 Joe Billalba †
2022 Larry Parker and Brian Avery
2023 Susan Frantzich & Judy Hedrick
2024 Jim and Carole Linenbach
† Due to the COVID pandemic, the rodeo was canceled in 2020.

Learn More About Louie
Louis “Louie” G. Sarantos Jr. was born in Fresno to parents Mary Moosios and Louis George Sarantos. He attended grade school in Fresno and graduated from Fresno High School in 1960. He attended Fresno City College. In 1962 he left home to serve in the United States Army and returned home in 1964. His father Louis had opened the business at 500 Clovis Avenue in 1953 and fresh out of the service Louie filled in for a vacationing bartender at the 500 Club to give his dad a hand and he never left! His father, a real people person, taught his son all aspects of the business.
In 1967, Louie married RoseAnne Brescione and they welcomed 2 sons, Christopher and Shawn, into their family all of which worked in the business at one time or another. On December 19th, 1997 RoseAnne sadly passed away. In June 2003, Lou married Cindy Ulrich Leach then adding Cindy’s daughter Jennifer and husband Gary to his family.
In 2012, the cardroom was moved to Shaw and Willow at which time Cindy took over management of the Bar and Grill. The old cardroom was remodeled adding seating for 56 to accommodate larger groups. The décor is depicting old town Clovis with Rodeo posters and Clovis family ranch and cattle brands on the walls. Always a great and welcoming place for friends and family to meet.
In 2019, Louie sold the 500 Club Casino and began enjoying retirement with woodworking and other hobies around the ranch.
Louie has always been involved with the Clovis way of life, packing in and around the Sierras with his string of mules, past member of Fresno County Sheriff Search and Rescue, a proud sponsor and member of the Clovis Rodeo Association, where so many friendships have formed. To say Lou is honored and humbled to be chosen the 2025 Clovis Rodeo Grand Marshal is a true understatement.
Please join Lou and his family and friends for another incredible Clovis Rodeo.