Youth In Ag
Clovis Rodeo Supports 4-H, FFA at the Fresno Fair
Supporting programs that build a better future for children such as Future Farmers of America (FFA) and 4-H are just two of the many programs that holds a special place in the hearts of Clovis Rodeo members.
These programs provide vocational education in agricultural related fields and teach leadership skills.
Every October a devoted crew of Clovis Rodeo Association members support student projects at The Big Fresno Fair. FFA and 4-H students raise beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs, goats, and sheep. Small animals are also raised throughout the year. The student is responsible for doing the hard work to raise the animal and maintain their financial accounting with the ultimate goal of showing the animal at the fair and selling it during the livestock auction. The student’s proceeds from the animal sale will go to future projects, or continuing education or possibly a charity. The Clovis Rodeo Association gives Top-Off Bids that enhances the price per pound students make during the auction. It’s easy to support 4-H and FFA students who not only put 110% into their projects but learn so much from their commitment.
Seeing the joy and pride for a job well done on student faces and reading the many handwritten thank you notes, make it an easy program to support year after year. Knowing a student acknowledges “learning many valuable lessons” and plans to use the proceeds earned “toward their future education” really makes it a worthwhile way to give back to the youth of our community for the Clovis Rodeo.

Rodeo Members and Fans Support All Around Ag Award
The All Around Ag Award program, better known as “The Toolbox Program” at the Big Fresno Fair began in 2015 by Clovis Rodeo Board Member Mark Thompson and is supported by many of the Association members, sponsors and friends.
Students in the 4-H and FFA program, between the ages of 10 to 18, are nominated by their club or chapter representative to receive a tool box and tools with a value of $250 and over. The winners are announced during the Fair’s livestock auctions.